Please specify a linked account for ^0. Contact Alert Stock Alert Orders Expiring Discounts Recurring Purchases Recurring Sales Recurring Transactions A/P A/R Purchase; You must specify an asset account for tracking inventory for item ^0. , ^0 ^1 Build; Transfer from deposits ; Employer Expense Please specify a linked account for discounts. To record the payment to ^0, you must specify a linked account for discounts. Discount: Payment; You have not checked any items in the To Do List. Purchases & Payables Sales & Receivables Remove Order/Build Record as Actual Pay Bills Record Record Record Pay Bills Mail Merge ⇧ Review your list of overdue contacts. Click the Action column for all you have recontacted, and then click Remove. The selected contacts will be removed from the list. Select the items to order or build by clicking the Action column. Then click Order/Build to create a purchase order or build an inventory item. Review your current sales and purchase orders. Click the Action column to select the orders to record as invoices and/or bills and then click Record as Actual. Review your bills that have expiring discounts. Click the Action column to select the desired bills, and then click Pay Bills to write the checks. Review your recurring purchases. Click the Action column to choose the desired purchases, and then click Record. Review your recurring sales. Click the Action column to choose the desired sales, and then click Record. Review your recurring checks, deposits and general journal transactions. Click the Action column to select the desired transactions, and then click Record. Review your outstanding payables. A positive number in Overdue means your payment is late. Click Pay Bills to pay all selected Payables. Review your open receivables. Click the Action column to include a customer in a Mail Merge file created to contact the selected customers. Recontact Date Date Type Overdue Committed On Order On Hand Build Order Balance Due Promised Date Inv/P.O. # Purchase Sale Balance Due Due Date P.O. # Due Next Due Last Posted Frequency Overdue Next Due Last Posted Frequency Overdue Next Due Last Posted Frequency Overdue Balance Due Due Date P.O. # Overdue Balance Due Due Date Inv. # Overdue Action Name